SALUTE HER UK: Parliamentary Questions
During the course of 2020 and long before the C-19 Lockdown the Women Veterans Task Force has been busy campaigning for change. We would like to take the opportunity to thank Patron Sarah Atherton MP , the only female former regular member of the Armed Forces in the House of Commons. Sarah set up a sub-group of the Defence Select Committee to take evidence from women serving in the Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force. The forum provides the opportunity for personnel to talk, with the assurance of anonymity, about their experiences of bullying, harassment and sexual abuse in the forces. It comes amid concerns that the conviction rate for rape in the military justice system is up to six times worse than in civilian courts. Women are also significantly overrepresented, compared with men, in the proportion of complaints submitted annually within the Armed Forces. Female personnel comprise 12 per cent of the military, but submitted 23 per cent of complaints in 2019. Almost four in 10 complaints made by women were about bullying, harassment and discrimination.
We would also like to thank the following MP’s for asking and answering the following Parliamentary Questions:
Caroline Noakes MP
The Ministry of Defence has provided the following answer to your written parliamentary question (51914):
Question: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what plans he has to extend the period beyond three years in which service personnel can report historic allegations of serious sexual assault. (51914)
Tabled on: 01 June 2020
Answer: Johnny Mercer: The Service Justice System does not have a time limit in regard to bringing cases of sexual assault. The Service Police will continue to investigate any allegations of historic serious sexual offence brought to their attention.
The answer was submitted on 04 Jun 2020 at 11:48.
Read more Parliamentary Questions HERE
Caroline Noakes, MP