Information, Courses, Training, Workshops and Groups
Reclaiming Pleasure
We have been running a few workshops in person and online. Please contact us if you are interested or if you would like to know more about the workshops and their content. Please see the animation we have produced by clicking the link below to take you to our blog. Once you are there, it will explain everything you need to know about reclaiming pleasure.
Domestic Violence Courses
We deliver a pathway for domestic abuse that provides the knowledge women need to process, heal and move forward. Abuse is isolating, and as humans we need connection and relationships to heal. The domestic violence courses are purposely run in groups as it enables camaraderie and shows that you are not alone on your journey.
Building Self–Esteem and Confidence Work Shops
Workshops are designed to teach you everything you will need to know about confidence and self-esteem so that you can begin improving every aspect of your life this very moment!
Military Sexual Trauma Group
We host a monthly Military Sexual Trauma group for women.
Military Sexual Trauma (MST) refers to sexual assault or sexual harassment experienced during military service.
If you're having difficulties related to MST, we're here to support you in whatever way will help you best.
There is a video we have produced to explain everything you need to know about MST. Please play the video. To find out more, feel free to click the link below to take you to our blog.
Healthy Living Group
Reclaim your confidence, health and wellbeing by joining our healthy living group.
The group focuses on sustainable lifestyle changes that you can permanently make. We teach you how to make budget healthy food that your family will love. We will also give you easy and quick at home exercises so you can increase your fitness. Our primary focus is not just about weight loss – it’s about health, fitness and body confidence.
British Parliamentary Debate Training
We host a monthly Military Sexual Trauma group for women.
Military Sexual Trauma (MST) refers to sexual assault or sexual harassment experienced during military service.
If you're having difficulties related to MST, we're here to support you in whatever way will help you best.
Pilates Group
Pilates aims to strengthen the body in an even way, with particular emphasis on core strength to improve general fitness and wellbeing. Pilates can improve posture, muscle tone, balance and joint mobility, as well as relieve stress and tension.
Legal Clinic
Hosted in partnership with Bolt, Burdon Kemp
Military claims can be brought for many things, including accidents at work, heat and non-freezing cold injuries (NFCI), sexual assault, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), noise induced hearing loss (NIHL), and bullying, harassment and discrimination. Injuries can be physical or psychological and can range from relatively mild to career-ending and life-changing.
If you or a loved one has sustained an injury while serving in any branch of the armed forces or reserves – or a loved one has died while serving – you may be entitled to claim compensation from the MOD or whoever else is responsible.
Suicide Prevention Group
We offer a confidential support group for women veterans experiencing suicidal thoughts or who have attempted suicide. Support is also available for the families and carers of those who are going through a suicidal crisis.
Military Young Carers Group
All children deserve a childhood. Some children aren’t able to enjoy the simple things many children take for granted, because they are caring for someone in their family who is ill or disabled. We provide advice and emotional support, organised outings and activities for young carers.
Self Help Leaflets
Team Salute Her UK have produced a library of free, printable self help leaflets to assist individuals, families and carers. Please feel free to print and use them as often as you need.